Articles That Empower

Your Inner Dialogue is a Jerk!

Your Inner Dialogue is a Jerk!

Hopefully the title of this article does not describe what is happening inside your head daily. Our brains are incredibly creative and that is amazing, however it’s also potentially destructive.
Winning is a Mindset, Not a Result

Winning is a Mindset, Not a Result

The company Let’s Go Win was not created to determine wins and losses but rather to embrace the process of having a winning mindset.
Creating an Abundance Mindset

Creating an Abundance Mindset

Do you see the glass half full or half empty? When a challenge appears do you see the opportunity, or do you see the problems? Are you optimistic about the future or fearful of what is to come?
Think You Can or Can’t, You’re Right!

Think You Can or Can’t, You’re Right!

Henry Ford who founded Ford Motor Company and created the assembly line is credited with saying the quote “Think you can or can’t, you’re right”.