
Articles That Empower

Victim Blaming vs Personal Responsibility

Victim Blaming vs Personal Responsibility

Some of the best lessons you learn end up being the most annoying reminders on a day to day basis. A prime example of this would be the classic debate between victim blaming vs personal responsibility
Practical Tips For Building Personal and Professional Development Skills

Practical Tips For Building Personal and Professional Development Skills

When it comes to improving and developing further in our career and personal lives,the most important thing to do is have a plan. As Benjamin Franklin put it “If you fail to plan,you are planning to.
3 Tips on How to Improve Relationships at Work

3 Tips on How to Improve Relationships at Work

We will spend roughly 1/3 of our lives at work—that is a lot of time away from our loved ones, and a lot of time that we should then wish to enjoy. I realize that fun and work don’t always seem.
Leena Bakshi: Executive Director

Leena Bakshi: Executive Director

After three years of applying and interviewing, I remember the moment I achieved my dream job as an education administrator. My family was ecstatic.When my parents were my age,they had just immigrated.