Why Burnout Happens?

The Drive for Perfection

Dr. Eric Recker's journey with burnout started from a young age. On the recess kickball fields of Southeast Iowa, he was often told that he wasn't good enough to play. This rejection led him to make a pact with himself as a third grader: to be so good at everything that no one would ever not pick him again. This drive for perfection fueled numerous achievements, including running marathons, completing Ironman triathlons, and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

However, despite these accomplishments, Dr. Recker felt unfulfilled. He realized that he was operating on a broken soundtrack that told him he was never good enough. This constant need to prove himself led to an endless cycle of adding more and more achievements, yet always feeling empty at the top of each mountain.

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout

Burnout can manifest in various ways, and it's essential to recognize the signs early. Dr. Recker describes burnout as a life where everything feels gray and nothing excites you. Crossing the finish line of a race or going on vacation didn't bring him joy. He was reactive to his family, chippy, and snappy. Procrastination became a norm because he had no positive energy to put towards tasks.

One of Dr. Recker's ground zero moments was a panic attack triggered by a server crash at his dental practice. This incident made him realize the severe toll that stress and overcommitment had taken on his well-being. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's "why" and setting boundaries to avoid burnout.

The Dental Industry's Unique Challenges

The dental industry is known for its high stress levels, and unfortunately, it has the highest suicide rate among professions. Dentists often become isolated, taking on multiple roles beyond their expertise, such as HR, finance, and accounting. This isolation and the pressure to be everything to everyone can lead to severe burnout.

Dr. Recker highlights the importance of empowering team members and maintaining open communication. By involving his team in problem-solving and decision-making, he was able to reduce his stress levels and create a more supportive work environment.

Letting Go of Control

One of the biggest challenges for high achievers is letting go of control. Micromanaging can create a culture of fear, where team members are afraid to take risks. Dr. Recker learned that by empowering his team and allowing them to make mistakes, he could focus on more critical tasks and reduce his stress levels.

He emphasizes the importance of being honest with your team about your struggles. When his front desk team learned about his burnout, they offered to take tasks off his plate, showing their respect and willingness to help.

Prioritizing Self-Care

Self-care is crucial for preventing burnout. Dr. Recker realized that overcommitment and neglecting self-care were the main contributors to his burnout. He was building a new dental practice, buying the practice from his dad, serving on five boards, training for two Ironman triathlons, and coaching his kids' soccer teams.

He emphasizes the importance of finding small moments of recovery in daily life. Whether it's a five-minute break to take deep breaths or a thirty-minute walk to work, these small practices can significantly improve mental and physical health.

Creating White Space

White space, or moments of quiet reflection, is essential for mental health. Dr. Recker practices gratitude and mindfulness during his walks to work. He encourages others to find small moments of peace in their daily lives, whether it's observing the world around them or taking a few deep breaths.

He also highlights the importance of being present in the moment. By reducing screen time and focusing on the present, you can lower stress levels and improve overall well-being.

Reevaluating Physical Fitness

Dr. Recker's approach to physical fitness changed after realizing that the training for endurance races wasn't worth the finish line. He shifted his focus to activities he enjoyed, such as biking and yoga. He also started walking or biking to work, which provided him with much-needed white space and movement.

He emphasizes that physical fitness doesn't always have to be intense. Simple activities like walking can significantly impact mental and physical health.

Better Work-Life Balance

Burnout almost led Dr. Recker to sell his dental practice. However, after a serious car accident involving his associate, he realized that he needed to reassess his priorities. He partnered with another dentist and reduced his patient days to three days a week, allowing him to focus on coaching, speaking, and writing on the other days.

This change significantly improved his work-life balance and overall well-being. He encourages others to find a balance that works for them and prioritize activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.

Coaching and Workshops

Dr. Recker now works as an elite success coach, helping high achievers who feel stuck. He also facilitates workshops and keynote speeches on the DAM analogy, a concept he developed to help people manage their energy and avoid burnout.

His goal is to help others create a life they don't want to escape from. By sharing his journey and strategies, he hopes to provide hope and inspiration to those struggling with burnout.

Burnout is a serious issue that can affect anyone, regardless of their achievements. By recognizing the signs early, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care, you can avoid burnout and create a fulfilling life. Dr. Eric Recker's journey serves as a powerful reminder that it's possible to achieve great things while maintaining balance and well-being.

If you're feeling burned out, consider taking Dr. Recker's five-day knockback burnout challenge. It's a series of five emails with strategies to help you break the hold of burnout and find hope and healing.

Remember, mental health is crucial for overall well-being. Take the time to care for yourself and find moments of peace and reflection in your daily life. Your future self will thank you.

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