Articles That Empower
Unlocking Your Potential: Overcoming Mental Blocks and Embracing Change
The insights shared provide a roadmap for individuals seeking to unlock their potential and create lasting positive change in their lives. By understanding the impact of subconscious beliefs, implementing effective strategies, and utilizing the Rapid Rewire Method, anyone can break free from the chains of self-doubt and step into their true greatness.
When You Fail, You WIN!
At first glance it does seem odd to have someone congratulate you for failing. There are emotions that come with failure such as sadness, anger, embarrassment, and shame.
3 Must Do’s Daily to Live Your Best Life
We live in an extremely busy world and have many responsibilities daily. I watch most people take care of everyone and everything around them, way before they consider taking care of themselves.
Quotes to Brighten Your Day
One year ago I took on a self-imposed challenge where everyday, I would send out certain “quotes to brighten your day” to a select group of people that included family and friends.
3 Ways to Make Good Choices
Every single day we wake up and start to make choices both big and small. If you stop to think about all the decisions that come our way, it can be rather overwhelming.