Articles That Empower

3 Must Do’s Daily to Live Your Best Life

3 Must Do’s Daily to Live Your Best Life

We live in an extremely busy world and have many responsibilities daily. I watch most people take care of everyone and everything around them, way before they consider taking care of themselves.
Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Quotes to Brighten Your Day

One year ago I took on a self-imposed challenge where everyday, I would send out certain “quotes to brighten your day” to a select group of people that included family and friends.
3 Ways to Make Good Choices

3 Ways to Make Good Choices

Every single day we wake up and start to make choices both big and small. If you stop to think about all the decisions that come our way, it can be rather overwhelming.
3 Major Benefits of an Accountability Buddy

3 Major Benefits of an Accountability Buddy

My accountability buddy (buddies) is my family. As we have discussed before, I put my goals on my bathroom mirror so that I am reminded at least twice daily what I’m looking to accomplish.